Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Review: Everlasting by Alyson Noel

Product Details
Paperback: 336 pages
Macmillan Children's Books
Released: 7 July 2011
Everlasting is the sixth and final installment of the epic love story that has enchanted readers across the world. Ever and Damen have spent centuries facing down bitter rivals, jealous friends and their own worst fears-all in the hope of being together forever. Now in Everlasting, their destiny is finally within reach.
I've got to admit, I got a bit bored of this series. I found the penultimate book annoying and I was starting to get slightly fed up with it all. Needless to say, I was still looking forward to reading the last book, even if it was just to see the back of it.

I definitely enjoyed this book more than some of the others in the series, but I found myself losing interest with some of the plots. It was slightly predictable and I would have liked to have seen a more Jaw-Dropping twist in there somewhere.

I have to say that I did love the Shadowland storyline about half way through the book. That was the best thing about the story for me (probably because Roman was one of the best characters in this series in my opinion and it got boring once he was out of the picture!), after that I felt like the plot was dragging slightly.

I was also very disappointed with the lack of Miles in this book. I think he is a fabulous character and I wish he had a bigger role to play.

The end was good closure for the series but, again, was predictable. Overall, I'm glad I stuck with the series and I think the end is very satisfying for the fans.

Royal Rating:

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