Friday, 16 December 2011

Review: Growing Pains by K. P. Smith

Product Details:
Pages: 268
Publisher: Doin It Publishing
Released: 25th May 2011
Goodreads Summary:
Growing Pains: Kendras Dairies is the first book in the series chronicling the journey of Kendra Foster from adolescence to adulthood.

I aspire to encourage, entertain, and inspire young adults. Life has its ups and downs, its bumps and its bruises. But with perseverance, determination, and faith you can be all you were born to be.

Never Give Up!

My Review:
Growing Pains: Kendras Diaries introduces us to 13 year old 8th grader, Kendra. The story is very real life and contains a lot of realistic situations for teenagers to find themselves in such as family break-ups, friendship dramas and, of course, school.

I found Growing Pains to be very identifiable. It’s a great coming of age read for girls who are going through the changes of school and friendships. As a teenager, you’re at that age when you realise that life isn’t as simple as you’d like to think so girls will understand Kendra’s struggles and be able to identify with them. 

Kendra is a great character and her voice is very true. The story does deal with some pretty emotional situations which makes it even more of a great read. I think teenagers will adore this story and will be able to identify with Kendra’s life. 

Royal Rating:

1 comment:

  1. Good review :) I'll be checking his one out for sure! New follower!

    - MissKimberlyStardust @


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