Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Review: Chocolate S.O.S by Sue Limb

Bookish Details:
Series: Book 6
Pages: 320 Paperback
Publisher: Bloomsbury UK
Release Date: January 2012
Source: Bought
Buy It From: Amazon

Goodreads Summary:
Jess has broken up with Fred, though really she is waiting for him to come to her door and beg to get back together again. But is that the sort of thing Fred would do? He has said himself that he has no backbone . . . Meanwhile, a gorgeous boy has moved in next door and, to Jess's mingled horror and delight, is making it very, very obvious that he would like to be a lot closer than next door . . . Surely, now, Fred will be driven, in a fit of jealousy, to sweep Jess back off her feet? Won't he?

Full of Sue Limb's very funny take on early teenage life and problems, fans of Jess Jordan will be thrilled to have a new Fred and Jess story.

My Review:

Oh I love Jess Jordan I do.

I discovered this series accidently a couple of years ago at my local library and I’ve laughed my way through each book ever since.

Chocolate SOS sees Jess in her newly single life after dumping Fred. Although Jess and Fred apart is totally heart-breaking, it was good to see how Jess tried to move on: enter cute new neighbour, Luke.

I think Luke is a fabulous addition to the awesome characters in this series, he really brings something new and refreshing to the story.

Of course, Jess was totally hilarious throughout and I especially loved the sarcastic comments she was constantly throwing at Fred and the loud mouthed Jodie. It was funny to read Jess’s reaction to Fred’s newly formed relationship. Even though she dumped Fred, she is so not over it!

This is a truly hilarious read and I can’t wait to see what happens next when Party Disaster is released in June!

Royal Rating:

1 comment:

  1. Never heard of this one, but it sounds beyond hilarious. Great review, Katie :)

    Hafsah @ IceyBooks


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