Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Review: Scary School by Derek The Ghost

Bookish Details:
Pages: 237
Publisher: Harper Collins
Release Date: June 21st 2011
Source: Review Copy
Buy It From: Amazon

Goodreads Summary:

You think your school's scary?

Get a load of these teachers:

"Ms. Fang," an 850-year-old vampire
"Dr. Dragonbreath," who just might eat you before recess
"Mr. Snakeskin"--science class is so much more fun when it's taught by someone who's half zombie
"Mrs. T"--break the rules and spend your detention with a hungry "Tyrannosaurus rex"


Gargoyles, goblins, and Frankenstein's monster on the loose
The world's most frighteningly delicious school lunch


The narrator's an eleven-year-old ghost

Join Charles "New Kid" Nukid as he makes some very Scary friends--including Petunia, Johnny, and Peter the Wolf--and figures out that Scary School can be just as funny as it is spooky.

My Review:

I know I usually only review YA books on this blog but I am totally happy to make an exception for Scary School! It’s full of hilarious moments and outrageous characters from the first page to the last.

Scary School is the only school in the monster community to allow human pupils to attend and mix with monster pupils. Narrated by 11 year old Derek the Ghost, we are told wild and wacky stories about everyday life at Scary School.

I adored the teachers at the school – Ms. Fang is so awesome! The writing is really original and I think it is a book that, all though is aimed at middle graders, can be enjoyed by anyone.

I think the illustrations throughout the book added the perfect touch to the overall story and are perfect for younger ones to look at whilst reading.

The pacing of the story is perfect and the chapters are just the right length to keep you engaged. Oh and, can I just add, the website for Scary School is fabulous!

This is definitely a fun read and I would encourage everyone to enter the world of Scary School!

Royal Rating:

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