Friday, 18 May 2012

Review: Talisman of El by Alecia Stone

Bookish Details:
Series: Talisman of EL #1
Pages: 364 (Hardcover)
Publisher: Centrinian Publishing
Source: Galley provided by Centrinian Publishing and NetGalley
Release Date: May 20th 2012
Buy It From: Amazon (US) Amazon (UK)

Goodreads Summary:

One Planet.

Two Worlds.

Population: Human ... 7 billion.
Others ... unknown.

When 14-year-old Char­lie Blake wakes up sweat­ing and gasp­ing for air in the mid­dle of the night, he knows it is hap­pen­ing again. This time he wit­nesses a bru­tal mur­der. He's afraid to tell any­one. No one would believe him ... because it was a dream. Just like the one he had four years ago - the day before his dad died.

Char­lie doesn't know why this is hap­pen­ing. He would give any­thing to have an ordi­nary life. The prob­lem: he doesn't belong in the world he knows as home.

He belongs with the others.

My Review:

If there was ever a book series to rival Harry Potter, then Talisman of EL is definitely the one. 
Firstly, I would like to say thank you to Centrinian Publishing for giving me the chance to read an ARC of Talisman of EL. I didn’t really know what to expect with this one but from the minute I read the prologue, I was hooked. I literally flew through this book!

Talisman of EL follows 14 year old Charlie as he enters the world of Arcadia and discovers the truth about his life. He and his friends find themselves in the middle of an epic adventure in a world very different from the one they’re used to. 

The story is told tremendously well and I completely fell in love with the characters! They are extremely likable and I love that there was even a hint of romance amongst all the action and adventure. I also loved the relationship between Charlie and Derkein, it adds to the story fantastically. 

It’s a fast paced story that definitely captures the imagination and can easily be enjoyed by readers of any age. 

This is an amazing start to what is sure to be a truly fantastic series and I can’t wait to find out what adventures Arcadia has in store for Charlie and the gang next.  

Royal Rating:


  1. Wow! OMG! Woo Hoo! What a wonderful review. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing my debut. So glad you enjoyed the book.

    Alecia :)

  2. Great review! I'm nearly finished reading the story, and am enjoying it, too. So glad that you liked it. :)



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