Friday, 1 June 2012

Blog Tour: My Merlin Awakening Guest Post, Review and Giveaway!

Hey There!

Tour brought to you by: Bewitching Book Tours  Full Tour Schedule HERE.

I'm extremely excited to be a part of the My Merlin Awakening Blog Tour! The My Merlin Series by Priya Ardis is such a fantastic series and i'm proud to present a guest post from the lady herself!

The Bard Merlin

I am a writer who listens to music while writing and so naturally making a soundtrack for My Merlin Awakening was one of the first things I did. But what does a soundtrack actually signify in the book? To me, it’s the ebb and flow of emotions the characters experience as they deal with what happens. More importantly it is the ebb and flow of emotions in their love story.

First, there is the music of the three main characters of the My Merlin Series:

Arriane (aka Ryan) is our nice girl protagonist. Ryan’s song - Alice by Avril Lavigne – Why? This beautiful moody piece perfectly fits Ryan’s struggle.

Matt (aka Merlin) is our superhero in a cape. Matt’s song - Superman (It’s Not Easy) by Five for Fighting –Why? In My Boyfriend Merlin, Merlin’s alter-ego is Matt. This is a huge struggle in the book for Merlin…does he want to be the “Most Powerful Wizard in the World” or does he want to be plain-old Matt?

Lastly, there is Vane, hero’s brother and generally, a pain in Ryan’s backside. Vane’s song - Vindicated by Dashboard Confessional – Why? Vane just knows he’s right. All. The. Time.

Now, the My Merlin Awakening soundtrack:

Theme music: Down by Jason Walker – If a song embodied the whole book, it would be this one. (You wouldn’t believe how many times I listened to this one.) I won’t tell you which character’s song this is… you’ll have to read the book to figure it out!

      1. Teeth by Lady Gaga: High school
            2. Running up the Hill by Placebo: Haunted House
3. Obsession by Sky Ferreira: Vane’s place
            4.  Keep Myself Awake by Black Lab: Matt’s lament
            5.   Dance in the Dark by Lady Gaga: Dance club in Athens
      6. Monster by Lady Gaga: Fight Club
      7. The Devil You Know (God is a Man) by Face to Face: On the yacht
      8. Keep Holding On by Avril Lavigne: Mermaid City; In the pit
      9. Lucky by Biff Naked: A rescue
     10. Down by Jason Walker: In the maze
          11. Hurt by Christina Aguilera: Poolside

For a complete compilation of these songs plus other songs of My Merlin, check out the iMix playlists in iTunes. My Boyfriend Merlin: ( My Merlin Awakening: ( )
Want more Merlin? Watch the “If you can’t trust your boyfriend, who can you trust?” book trailer on youtube at

My Boyfriend Merlin, Book 1, is available through most major book retailers. My Merlin Awakening, Book 2, is now available in limited release at Barnes and Noble. It will be out in full release in mid-June 2012.  Ever My Merlin, Book 3, will be available in late 2012. Add it to-read on Goodreads (

Read Reviews and Excerpts at:
Author Website:

If you haven't broken the rules, have you really lived?

Excalibur has been pulled from the stone, but what does it mean? Arriane (aka Ryan) DuLac doesn’t really care. She's got bigger problems—as student president, she's got to put on the Prom. While the Wizard Council debates their next move, she leaves the craziness behind and heads home.

But she can’t hide forever. Sooner than she’d like Merlin (aka Matt) has her chasing mermaids on the trail of the Fisher King. The wounded King, defeated by Merlin’s brother, Vane, in the past holds the key to save the future.

On the journey, Ryan begins to realize the friends she thought she knew, she may not know at all. At a time of shifting alliances, she must decide whose side she’s on—the brother who struggles to do right or the brother who dares to break the rules? And Ryan must decide who she is—a regular or a champion?

One wrong decision and her family falls apart. One wrong decision and the world falls apart. No pressure.

My Review of My Merlin Awakening:

My Merlin Awakening in a word? AWESOME. 

Book 2 picks up a little while after the end of book 1. Ryan is back at school after Matt AKA Merlin took the rap for pulling the sword. But Ryan soon realises that she can’t hide away from things forever and once again ends up on an epic journey. 

The series develops so much in this book! I loved the Greek Mythology element that is added into the mix in this book. It adds to the overall epicness of the whole story. 

This book has a bit of everything, including the totally swoon-worthy love triangle. Vane and Matt are simply amazing characters! I also love Ryan’s strength. We see how her character has grown from the first book.

I adore Priya’s writing style. I love the humour that is kept throughout the story, it adds some fun to the serious plots. 

This series just keeps on getting better and I can wait to find out what is in store in the final book! If you haven’t started this series yet then you really, REALLY need to!

Royal Rating:

 About the Author:
I love stories of all kinds--but especially the gooey ones that make your nose leak and let your latte go cold. I started my first novel at sixteen, writing in notebooks on a long train ride in India during a hot summer vacation. My favorite Arthurian piece is the poem The Lady of Shalott by Lord Alfred Tennyson and a gorgeous song by Loreena McKennitt. A hopeless romantic, I’m a longtime member of the Romance Writer's of America.

Connect with Priya Ardis at:


Enter the rafflecopter to win! One winner will get a $25 Amazon or B&N gift card and a copy of My Merlin Awakening. Two additional winners will also get a copy of My Merlin Awakening.

Rafflecopter giveaway code:


  1. Thank you so much for hosting me on the blog today, Katie! I'm so glad you like My Merlin Awakening. Awesome! :)

  2. Hi Katie, love the interview and giveaway :D **New follower here** plz check out my blog sometime

  3. Oooh, I love it when authors put up a playlist for their novels. I just went to hear Down by Jason Walker and it was really good. Now, you've got me totally interested in reading this ;)

    New follower :) Thanks for the giveaway!

    If you have the time, I would love it if you can join my first giveaway too *urges* Hope to see you there, Katie!


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