Monday, 16 July 2012

Feature: But What About The Cover? #4

'But What About The Cover?' is going to be a weekly feature hosted by The Queen of Teen Fiction. I will be pitching two book covers from various countries up against each other to decide which one is best.

This week's cover spotlight is on 'The Name of The Star' by Maureen Johnson and i'm going to be looking at the US and UK covers for the book.

                                              US                                                        UK

Now, let me start off by saying that I think BOTH covers are completely gorgeous. I think the US cover captures the mystery within the book perfectly... But i've got to admit that I like the UK cover a tiny bit more! The font and the cover model on the UK cover look stunning and it certainly caught my eye a little bit more than the US cover.

So, what do you think? Do you prefer the UK or the US version? Let me know!


  1. I'm actually liking the UK cover as well! New follower from GoodReads, great blog! I would love a follow back!


  2. I love them both, but I think I prefer the US one slightly more. The lighting is really mysterious as the two people merge. Great post! :)

  3. Hi Katie,
    I like the UK cover better!
    I am a new follower from Book Blogs, I saw your message to the group...
    If you'd like to follow me back I'm at
    All the best!

  4. I think I like the US cover better. It looks mysterious and the UK cover seems a bit sensationalist.

    I saw a link to your blog from Goodreads.

  5. Your blog is totally awesome, I'm following! If you could check out mine it would be much appreciated! I'm just starting out, you see :) Escaping Jackie

  6. there both gorgeous but i like the Us cover more!
    great blog!
    new follower!


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