Saturday, 1 December 2012

Hello, I'm Back!

Hey Everyone!

As you may have noticed, my blog has been a little quiet this month. That's because I've been focusing all of my energy into assignments and NaNoWriMo - it all paid off in the end!

So now that NaNoWriMo is over, I can go back to my usual blogger self. A big congrats to everyone else who took part in NaNo this year; even if you didn't win, it's the taking part that counts!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I found you through Book Blogs and I am now your newest follower! You have an adorable site by the way! I hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday and it would make my day if you would stop by for a visit sometime if you get the chance. :)

    Leigh Ann
    MaMa's Book Corner


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