Friday, 22 February 2013

Review: Focus by Alyssa Rose Ivy

Bookish Details:
Series: The Crescent Chronicles #2
Release Date: January 23rd 2013
Buy It From: Amazon US - Amazon UK

Goodreads Synopsis:
Freshman year of college is hard even when you're not tied to the future king of a supernatural society.

Allie dives into college head first with Hailey as her roommate and the city of New Orleans as her backyard. As things within The Society heat up, Allie realizes that whether she's with Levi or not, she's in far too deep to turn back.

Book Two of The Crescent Chronicles.

My Review: 

First of all, I’d like to thank Alyssa for giving me the chance to review Focus, her books are always fabulous!

Focus picks up a little while after we left off in Flight. Allie and Hailey are moving into college and attempting to settle into a normal, campus life. But, of course, Allie’s life is far from normal now and having Pterons escort her to every class reminds her. 

After adoring Flight, I had high expectations for Focus. I wasn’t disappointed. Allie is such a fantastic character. I like female characters that are strong and can stand up for themselves and Allie is definitely that. I also love her friendship with Hailey and their two new college friends, Anne and Tiffany. Every good leading lady needs her girlfriends!

Levi was as perfect as ever in Focus. He is definitely on my list of book boyfriends, that’s for sure! For the most part of Focus, Levi is attempting to win back Allie’s affections after the shocking twist that happened in Flight. But of course, Levi is irresistible, so how can Allie hold off his charms? 

I really liked the family dynamics that run through the plot of Focus. Not only do we get to find out more about Levi and his family, but we also get a little bit of Hailey and Owen’s family, as well as Jared’s.

I also enjoyed reading more about Jared in this book. I’m really intrigued by his character and I hope we get to find out a bit more about him and his family. I like how a friendship between him and Allie developed. 

Now, I loved the lead up to the ending of the book. It sets up a perfect plot twist that I definitely didn’t expect! I’m highly anticipating the third book to see what the heck happens next! 

This series has a bit of everything I love in a supernatural story. Focus will totally keep you reading into the night and if you haven’t started this series yet, I suggest you get reading Flight, because it is not to be missed!

Royal Rating:


1 comment:

  1. Fab reivew, Katie! I desperately need to read Flight, damn review books keep piling up though :(
    So happy there's no second book syndrome either :D


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