Monday, 23 September 2013

Feature: But What About The Cover? #9

'But What About The Cover?' is a weekly feature hosted by The Queen of Teen Fiction. I will be pitching two book covers from various countries up against each other to decide which one is best.

This week, the cover spotlight is on Legend by Marie Lu and I will be looking at the UK and US versions of the cover. 

This is a hands down easy one for me. I am obsessed with the UK cover. Normally, if a US copy comes out first, I prefer that cover because it's the one I'm used to (like with Divergent, I didn't like the UK cover) but with this one, I love the UK version.

I just feel it represents the story more. Having the image of June looking all badass just makes it look more exciting. I also like how the UK cover keeps the symbol from the US version on therr as well. I just like it better overall. I actually own both covers because I just had to buy the UK cover when it came out.

So, what do you think? Do you prefer the US cover? Vote in the poll below!


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