Monday, 25 November 2013

Trailer Talk: Vampire Academy Trailer #2

Hey guys,

So the second trailer for Vampire Academy: Blood Sisters was released the other day and I want to know your thoughts!

Like I said with the first trailer, I'm really happy with the direction this film is taking. I've heard a lot of fans saying they're disappointed by how the film looks very comedic. But that, for me, is one of the most redeeming qualities of the trailer. It makes Vampire Academy stand out from all of the other YA adaptations and for once, it doesn't appear to focus on a big, dramatic romance.

I think the team behind this film have the right idea with the way they're going. I definitely think Vampire Academy stands more of a chance at being successful if it proves itself to have more to offer than other YA books that have been turned into movies.

What do you think? Was the trailer a hit or miss for you? Let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Looked better than the first one! I liked Rose having a distinct voice; didn't see much of Dmitri, but overall, I'd rather have a somewhat humorous series than a blandly cookie-cutter series one. Hopefully they'll be able to vary the tone as the material demands.


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