Friday, 23 May 2014

Review: Minty by Christina Banach

Bookish Details:
Pages: 388, Paperback
Publisher: Three Hares Publishing
Release Date: April 8th 2014
Source: Provided be author in exchange for honest review
But it From: Amazon

Fourteen-year old twins Minty and Jess are inseparable. Maybe they bicker now and then, even crave a bit of space once in a while. But they have a connection. Unbreakable. Steadfast. Nothing can gear them apart. Until a family trip to the coast puts their bond in jeopardy. As Minty tries to rescue her dog from drowning she ends up fighting for her life. Will Minty survive? If she doesn't, how will Jess cope without her? Only the stormy sea has the answer.

My Review:
The real question here is what didn’t I love about Minty? I’m struggling to think of a single aspect of this story that I didn’t enjoy.

The book follows the struggles that 14 year old Minty has to face when she finds herself stuck in limbo after her death. Invisible to her family, she has to watch the shattering affects her death has had on her parents and her twin, Jess. 

Minty is a wonderful character. I thoroughly enjoyed her narration of the story, and I liked the strength and determination she showed throughout. Even though the most terrifying thing imaginable was happening to her, she held it together and was still more concerned for Jess than herself. She wanted nothing more than for Jess to be able to be happy again, and that was part of what made the story so special to read. 

This story focuses very much on the strong bond between Minty and Jess, making it compelling and touching to read. I think it’s wonderfully refreshing and very different to a lot of the other YA novels out there at the moment.

Despite this book essentially being about the death of a twin, there was a great sense of humour in the story, which was brilliant to read. Minty’s remarks provided some great comic relief, which is much needed in a story such as this one. With that being said; the story deals with the issue of grief perfectly. The pain caused by Minty’s death is beautifully written. It’s realistically done and it shows the more difficult side to the story. Although it is entertaining to read, there is a strong message behind the book.

As much as I loved Minty, the other characters were all just as wonderful. I have to talk about my love for Jack. What a fantastic character he was! From the moment he was introduced, I knew I was going to adore him, and I was right.  

I honestly flew through this book in a couple of days. I couldn’t put it down. It’s an entertaining read that broke my heart, before putting it back together again. It’s a fabulous debut from the author, and it’s a great UK YA novel, something I feel we’re really lacking at the moment! I really think this is something that can be enjoyed by anyone, so go check it out, because you really won’t regret it. 

Royal Rating:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the wonderful review, Katie. I'm so glad you enjoyed Minty.


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