Saturday, 12 July 2014

An Evening With Rainbow Rowell!

Hey, everyone! So yesterday, I was lucky enough to attend an evening with the fabulous Rainbow Rowell in Liverpool. It was a sold out event, so I was glad I managed to get my ticket back in May! 

The place was already crowded when I arrived half an hour early. Rainbow is definitely one popular lady. I was a few rows away from the front, though, so I had a good view!

Rainbow started the event by showing us the gorgeous heeled shoes she was actually planning to wear for the evening, but couldn’t because she’d hurt her ankle! The shoes were totally cute, so I could understand the disappointment.

She then went on to talk a little bit about her books and how she was supposed to write Landline before Fangirl, but decided to switch it around. We were then treated to a reading of a scene from Fangirl.

Then the Q&A got underway and we learnt a lot about Rainbow’s book and how she came to write novels after being a journalist for many years. We also discovered that she’d like nothing more than to right a screenplay for Benedict Cumberbatch to play a romantic role!

After the questions, we were than allowed to go and get our books signed. It was lovely to meet Rainbow, she was so fun! She told me she loved my outfit and I was stupidly happy.   

It was an amazing evening and since Fangirl is one of my favourite reads in a long time, I was thrilled to get my copy signed! Rainbow is wonderful and made for a greatly entertaining evening. If you ever have the opportunity to attend one of her events, definitely do so! You won’t regret it. 

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. This does sound like a lot of fun, thanks for sharing it.


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