Monday, 5 January 2015

What I Want To Read In 2015

As a book reviewer, I receive plenty of review requests throughout the year, and I’m always honoured whenever an author wants me to read their work. In the requests, I can usually spot a few common themes, and I get a lot of requests for genres that are going through a popular phase. For instance, over the past two years, I’ve seen a huge rise in the amount of dystopian books in my inbox. Don’t get me wrong, I love dystopia, but sometimes I like a change. Here’s a list of things I’d love to be able to read about this year:

5. Contemporary Stories.
I rarely received review requests for contemporary romance stories last year. Because of how much I read paranormal and fantasy stories, my love of contemporary usually goes ignored. I’m a huge fan of Sarah Dessen and Meg Cabot, so any books of a similar writing style would definitely catch my eye.

4. Books set in the 1920’s.
I adore the Flapper Girl era, and I would love more YA books set during this time. It’s such an exciting part of history, why aren’t there more stories?

3. British YA.
Last year I got to see some wonderful British YA debuts, such as Banished by Liz de Jager, and Minty by Christina Banach. I’d really like to see some more amazing YA from Britain, because there really isn’t enough.

2. Female Lead…With Glasses!
Okay, so as a glasses wearer, I’m biased here. But I really want a female protagonist with glasses! Yes, we have Harry Potter, but there’s only so many times you dress as the boy wizard for Halloween. Give me a new character to cosplay!

1. A YA book that has an Ancient Egyptian theme.
This is something that I really, really need in my life. I’ve been waiting for this for years. We have so many YA stories about Greek Gods and myths, yet barely any revolving around Egyptians. Their history is fascinating! Come on, authors, I'm begging you here!

So, that's what I’d like to be reading over the next twelve months. If there are any authors out there who happen to be reading this and have stories that tick any of the points above, PLEASE THROW YOUR BOOK AT ME. I will gladly read any book that is about any of those points.

What’s on your reading list this year? Let me know!


  1. If you want to go full Egyptian I loved this when I was younger:
    Cleopatra VII: Daughter of the Nile by Kristiana Gregory

    I did have a bit of a Cleopatra passion though!

    1. Oh, I'll have to check that out! I adore anything to do with Egyptian history. :-)

  2. I like the idea of YA female lead characters with glasses. I don't see many of those!

    1. I know, right?? There are a few lead guy characters with glasses, but rarely ever girls!

  3. I would love to find books with an Ancient Egyptian theme! There really aren't enough YA Historical Fiction books out there as a whole....
    Great picks! Hope you read these!

    Em @


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