Friday, 12 February 2016

BLOG TOUR: Remembrance by Meg Cabot Review and Giveaway

Today I am thrilled to be taking part in the final day of the blog tour for Remembrance, the 7th book in The Mediator series by the fabulous Meg Cabot, hosted by Me, My Shelf & I. Here are my thoughts on the book, and details on how you can win a copy of Shadowland, the first book in the series.

Series: The Mediator #7
Pages: 400
Source: Edelweiss
Publisher: William Morrow
Release Date: February 2nd 2016
Genre: Adult Fantasy & Paranormal
Buy The Book: Amazon - B&N

The highly anticipated return of Meg’s bestselling Mediator series featuring fan-favorite ghost whisperer, Susannah Simon.

You can take the boy out of the darkness. But you can’t take the darkness out of the boy.

All Susannah Simon wants is to make a good impression at her first job since graduating from college (and since becoming engaged to Dr. Jesse de Silva). But when she’s hired as a guidance counselor at her alma mater, she stumbles across a decade-old murder, and soon ancient history isn’t all that’s coming back to haunt her. Old ghosts as well as new ones are coming out of the woodwork, some to test her, some to vex her, and it isn’t only because she’s a mediator, gifted with second sight.

What happens when old ghosts come back to haunt you? If you’re a mediator, you might have to kick a little ass.

From a sophomore haunted by the murderous specter of a child, to ghosts of a very different kind-including Paul Slater, Suze’s ex, who shows up to make a bargain Suze is
certain must have come from the Devil himself-Suze isn’t sure she’ll make it through the semester, let alone to her wedding night. Suze is used to striking first and asking questions later. But what happens when ghosts from her past-including one she found nearly impossible to resist-strike first? 

My Thoughts:
Where do I even start? The Mediator series was the love of my life whilst I was in my teens. It was the series that first drew me into the YA genre, a genre which I have remained hugely passionate about since then. I owe a lot to Meg Cabot and her books. I couldn’t believe it when Meg announced she’d be releasing an adult update to the series, and I have been eagerly awaiting it for the past couple of years. Suze and Jesse, all grown up. I was so excited!

Suze is engaged to Jesse, but they are far from being married yet. Jesse is trying to secure a grant to help further his medical career, and Suze is working for free at her old high school just to get some experience. And as if Suze wasn’t stressed enough, Paul Slater reappears in her life with news that he’s planning to demolish her old home, the house in which she and Jesse fell in love. 

First of all, let me start by saying how much I related to Suze in this book. No, I am not engaged to a ridiculously attractive, Spanish former-ghost, nor can I communicated with the dead, but I can totally sympathize with the several spot-on rants about graduate life. Having to work for free because no one is willing to pay you after college? I feel you, sister.  

Suze Simon is back on top form in Remembrance, and I was so happy to have her back in my life! She remains one of my all-time favorite female characters because I can’t get enough of her attitude. With confidence, wit, and plenty of sass, she’s an utter joy to read about, and her dialogue was as hilarious as ever. There really aren't enough characters like her in the literature world.

It was great to see Suze and Jesse working together on a ghostly mission once again, though it took me a little while to adjust to Jesse actually being alive this time around! He was back to being the oh-so-hot Spanish God I remember him being. Seriously, he will forever be my ultimate book-boyfriend. 

I also enjoyed getting to catch up with all of the other characters from the series and see how they were getting on now. Meg spared us no details on all the gossip. Seeing Suze’s step-brothers again was great, especially David (he’s still my favorite). Also, if it's possible, I think I love CeeCee more now than I did when I first read the series! Paul, on the other hand, I disliked even more this time around. He's still a complete slime-ball. Will he ever truly redeem himself? I have no idea.

As for the plot itself, it was full of twists and turns. Just when you thought you’d figured something out alongside Suze, a new detail was thrown into the mix. The story was filled with the same thrilling energy that the rest of the series always thrived on. There were also a few emotional scenes with regards to the sensitive subject at the heart of this plot that were handled well.

I’m so thankful to be given the chance to once more delve into the lives of these wonderful characters. There wasn’t one aspect of this novel the left me feeling disappointed, and I am delighted with the ending. Thank you to Meg for a wonderful addition to this series, it was everything I wanted it to be and more!

Royal Rating:

Meg Cabot was born in Bloomington, Indiana. In addition to her adult contemporary fiction she is the author of the bestselling young adult fiction series, The Princess Diaries. Over 25 million copies of her novels for children and adults have sold worldwide. Meg lives in Key West, FL, with her husband. 

One winner will get a physical copy of the first Mediator novel, SHADOWLAND Must be 13+ To Enter | Ships in US only | See Terms & Conditions for full contest rules before entering some restrictions apply

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