Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Bookish Christmas Gift Haul

Since Christmas has been and gone, I thought I’d share the bookish gifts I received this year. I’ve never really done any sort of haul-post before, mostly because I never have enough content for one! But since I promised to try writing a bigger variety of posts this year, I decided to give it a go.

First, let’s start with the books! These will be the ones I’ll be delving into over the next couple of months. 

First up is a book that’s been on my to-read list for a while, The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee. I’ve been wanting to read this one for such a long time and thanks to my bestie and fellow blogger, Rachel, I’ll finally be able to! I’ve heard lots of good things, so it’s safe to say I’m excited. 

Next up are the books I received from my gorgeous friend Jasmine. We know each other so well that we ended up getting each other the same thing, the first physical instalment of the online comic, Check, Please! by Ngozi Ukazu! I’d been wanting a copy since it was released, but thought I’d buy her a copy for Christmas first. And then, to my amusement, I woke up on Christmas morning to find out she’d had the same idea. We’re iconic. She also got me a copy of Leah on the Offbeat, which is another book I’ve been dying to read since it was released!

Finally, as queen of buying myself presents, I treated myself to a copy of Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare. Due to being Extremely Broke for the majority of this year, it was the first time since discovering Cassie’s books that I hadn’t bought a copy on release day. I felt pretty empty when the date rolled around and I wasn’t rushing to Waterstones. Thankfully I had some spare cash just before Christmas and was able to get myself a copy while it was on offer.

Whilst I was been busy accepting my Hufflepuff identity in 2018, so were those around me! My parents gave my a Hufflepuff tote this Christmas and my Slytherin bestie added in the adorable Hufflepuff keyring. Though she still likes to bully me with her Slytherin ways. Knowing I’m trash for stationary, my sister got me this gorgeous Marauders Map notebook and I am in LOVE with how pretty it is. 

My cutest bookish gift has to be the letter that I woke up to close to Christmas. I FINALLY GOT MY HOGWARTS LETTER. That’s right, guys, I’m going to be a witch. Fifteen years too late, but there’s a time for everything. 

I also got some Harry Potter pyjamas (thank you, Primark, for affordable merch!) but the box they came in was so pretty that I’ve ended up using it as a storage box. A bonus gift! 

Did you get any bookish gifts at Christmas? 

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