Saturday, 30 January 2016

INTERVIEW: Linda Bloodworth

Hey there, book lovers. Today I'm excited to share with you an interview with Linda Bloodworth, author of YA fantasy story A Raven's Touch. Enjoy!

Hi Linda! What was it that inspired you to write the story?
I actually had a dream and then when I woke up I scrambled to write everything down. Mind you, I had this dream when I was 14, so things have changed now that I’m in my 30’s. Originally, I wrote A Raven’s Touch from the ages of 14 - 18, and let the manuscript sit in my drawer for a very long time. Three and a half years ago I started fresh and completely re-invented the story only keeping the title and my main character’s name. 

What made you want to write for a YA audience?
I never really think of myself as a particular genre writer, I just write the story that’s in me, and this is how people have categorized my work. When I’m finished writing about Justice and her friends I may may dabble in the contemporary area, I’m not really sure. I had a line come to me and it was so very different than what I currently write. I’d like to explore it and not be bogged down by genres. 

Tell us a little bit about the research you had to do in order to write A Raven’s Touch?
The first time I wrote A Raven’s Touch I spent four months in the library (before the internet was really big), and read everything I could about vampires. I read the vampire bible, yes, there is one, and learned a great deal about the many different folk lore stories around the world. I also read everything I could get my hands on about nephilim. Did you know there’s a particular powder that kills them? Neither did I, but I do now!

Which character from your story was the most fun to write about?
I loved writing Justice and Moira. They have such a strong friendship, and their scenes together always made me happy. I based Moira on my best friend and it really almost wrote itself as I pictured what she’d say to each situation. 

This is your debut novel, what were the best and worst parts of the process for you?
The best part was writing the first draft. It all came rushing out and some nights I felt like I was on fire! The scenes played out in my head so quickly, I barely had time to type, I let it flow like a river. The worst part was the editing. When I received feedback from beta readers and I realized I had to change scenes. I did three major re-writes to the point of almost re-writing half of the book. Considering it was 120,000 characters, I really had a lot of scenes that I cut out, and I’ve kept those for my newsletter fans as special features.

Finally, what authors and stories have inspired you in your writing?
For sure Stephen King because he scares me. I admire his ability to find the crevices of my childhood and sneak past into the heart of my fears. Sailor Moon has been a huge inspiration, and fans will recognize a few similarities between Justice’s powers and Sailor Mars. When I was writing, I saw natural place where the things I love could fit. For example, I love X-Men, X-Files, and Doctor Who. I managed to sneak all three into the story line. It just rather happened. Along with those stories, I also wove in multiple song lyrics as every day conversation. If someone can spot all the songs I will personally send them a bookmark.  

Thank you to Linda for stopping by! A Raven's Touch is available to purchase now:
Google Play:

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